Grants and Scholarships
Newton-Conover Education Foundation (NeCoEdFo) Considers:
Supporting Education: NeCoEdFo is focused on supporting students and staff of Newton-Conover City Schools
Program/Projects Duration: Projects/programs should be one school year/annual year or less in duration with
the possibility of renewal.
Funding Amount: NeCoEdFo will consider funding grants for up to $3000.00, when not otherwise determined
by specific program/project guidelines.
Funding Priorities
Kids in Need
Child Nutrition needs for students: NeCoEdFo only considers child nutrition needs to support the efforts of the parent, school, and district in addressing student nutrition in alignment with the National School Lunch program.
Medical needs and supplies for students: requests to meet the school nurse needs for the school year, as well as meet the projected needs for students for the purpose of medical, dental, and/or optical needs.
Support our most at-risk students: such as the impoverished and homeless to improve attention to education and learning and educational experiences
Technology support: requests can be made to meet student, school and staff needs in technology, to repair,
replace and/or upgrade technology compatible for use at N-CCS.
Scholarships for students: Scholarships are identified for NCCS or for Specific schools within N-CCS.
Justin Holloway: Priority to NCHS, NC State enrolling freshman with a music major.
Secondary to any N-CCS High school, NC State enrolling freshmen with a music major.
Any NC public university with amusic major may be considered. Any NC State enrolling freshman regardless of major may be considered.
NCPride: N-CHS students with priority to students with 4 years of receipt of N-C Pride cards, with exemplary leadership and community involvement.
Teacher grants and scholarships
Innovative Grant: provides funding to support classroom innovations, new programs and expansions.
The Ken and Betty Isaac Foundation: provides opportunities for Teacher professional development for
three Catawba County Districts. Money is received annually and available by staff application.
Newton-Conover Education Foundation does not fund:
Projects/programs outside of Newton-Conover City Schools
Projects/programs that do not directly benefit staff and/or students of N-CCS
Promotions of legislative change (lobbying)
Candidates for public office
Food that could be reasonably donated by an outside sponsor.