Have you considered including Newton-Conover Education Foundation in your will or estate plans?
Have you considered including Newton-Conover Education Foundation (NeCoEdFo) in your will or estate plans? When you make a gift to the Newton-Conover Education Foundation, you become an integral partner in the mission of investing and responding to the needs in Newton-Conover City Schools. You can make a gift in your will, trust, or other account that becomes your personal legacy of ensuring all children excel for the betterment of the Newton-Conover community. A legacy gift will ensure that your critical support will continue to help students excel at school and in succeed in life.
By becoming Champion for Education, you partner with us to stregthen education in our Newton-Conover Community. Here are your next steps for leaving your legacy:
1 – Meet With Your Estate Planning Attorney
Whether you need to create a will or simply update an earlier version, we recommend seeking the help of an estate planning attorney and tax advisor who can ensure that your will is legal and executable.
2 – Choose How To Give
Determine which giving opportunity best works for you. Different options include gifts that cost you nothing now, and gifts that may pay you income. Planned gifts include:
– Bequest by Will
– Life Insurance
– Retirement Assets
– Saving Bonds
– Charitable Remainder Trust
– Charitable Lead Trust
– Charitable Annuities
– Saving Bonds
– Gifts of Publicly-Traded Stock or Closely-Held Business Interests
3 – Let Us Know Your Plans
Please contact Kirsten Maynard, Director, at kirsten.maynard@n-ccs.org or by phone at 828-464-3191 when you have named Newton-Conover Education Foundation (NeCoEdFo) as a beneficiary of your estate. We would love the opportunity to thank you for such a special commitment and recognize you in the Champion for Education Legacy Circle.